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Unlock the power of Email lead generation

Mail your locals. Unlimited power.

Multiple ways to
find emails

Uncover every email through
Domain or Keyword + Location search.

Domain Search

Find all the email users associated to a domain.

Keyword + Location Search

Find people that fits your ideal customer profile and target location.

Reverse Email Lookup

Find where are your target emails coming from.

Searches & Emails

Say goodbye to limited search results. With Mail Locals, you have the freedom to explore as many email leads as you want. No caps, no restrictions, just endless possibilities.

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Start collecting emails for free. Our free Starter plan is great for trying Mail Locals. Purchase a paid plan to unlock unlimited power.

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Email searches
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What our clients say about us

Sarah M.

I never thought finding leads could be this easy. With Maillocals unlimited search, my inbox is flooded with potential clients! Highly recommended.

Jose B.

Mail Locals is a game-changer for my business. The keyword + location search feature helps me target my ideal customers effectively, leading to higher conversions. Love it!

Stefan K.

Finally, a tool that uncovers hidden contacts! Mail Locals domain search feature has helped me discover valuable leads I wouldnt have found otherwise. This tool is a must-have for any sales professional.


How can I track the source of my target emails with Mail Locals?

Mail Locals provides a source search functionality. It helps you identify where your target emails are coming from, allowing you to understand the origins of your leads and tailor your outreach strategies accordingly.

Does Mail Locals support domain search?

Yes, Mail Locals offers a powerful domain search feature. Enter a domain, and it will fetch all the associated email users, allowing you to uncover valuable contact information within seconds.

Can I search for leads based on specific keywords and location?

Absolutely! Mail Locals allows you to perform keyword + location searches, enabling you to find people who fit your ideal customer profile in your target location.

Are the email addresses provided by Mail Locals verified?

While Mail Locals ensures that the email addresses are taken directly from the websites, they are not verified.

Can I export the collected emails from Mail Locals?

Absolutely! With Mail Locals, you can easily export the collected email addresses in CSV format.